Complementary services

The transport industry also includes a number of complementary services. The ones most frequently provided to our clients are warehousing, customs clearance and insurance. We are able to prepare offers which will be supplemented for the basic transport organization service in a short time.


Excess production, the lack of possibilities to unload at the customer’s premises at a given time or a well-thought-out plan for maintaining the inventory of goods in the customer’s country – in such situations, warehousing is the solution. We help to rent a warehouse space all over Europe.

Customs clearance

We serve clients who entrust us with transports throughout Europe. This means that in the case of countries such as Switzerland, Norway or Ukraine, it is necessary to go through customs clearance. We work with customs agencies in various countries.


Additional goods insurance is useful when transporting high-valued cargo. It is also often a result of contracts between the seller and the buyer. We help in choosing the right insurance policy.